Can Dogs Eat Pretzels

Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?

The Answeryes

In short, if you are wondering if your dog can eat pretzels, the answer is yes. However, pretzels are not something which you should overfeed your dog, or give to your dog often.

More Information About Pretzels

pretzels 2Because of the large amount of salt on pretzels, they are considered very unhealthy for dogs. Dogs also should not eat large quantities of bread. Since a pretzel is bread topped with salt, it makes for an all around unhealthy snack for dogs. If you do decide to give your dog some pretzel, you should first remove any excess salt that you see.

It is, however, a better idea to give your dog a different snack. If you are eating a pretzel and your dog is begging, give your dog a dog treat, or look around your kitchen for something else.

Dog Ate A Pretzel, Now What?

dog 1If you have already given your dog a pretzel, or if your dog got into your kitchen and took one, you do not have to worry too much. Although they are unhealthy, one pretzel should not harm your dog. If, however, your dog has eaten multiple pretzels, or if you have a small dog who ate a large pretzel, you should watch your dog for signs of salt poisoning.

Salt Poisoning In Dogs

dog 2Because of the high amounts of salt in a pretzel, if your dog eats too many, or eats pretzels too often, it can result in salt poisoning. Salt poisoning can be very serious for dogs, and can lead to death. Some symptoms of salt poisoning are diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst or urination, lack of appetite, walking drunk, lethargy, seizures and coma.

If your dog ate salt, and is showing any of these signs, you should contact a vet immediately, and call a dog poison helpline.

Pretzels With Toppings

chocolate pretzelIf a pretzel has additional toppings, they can be very dangerous for dogs. For example, if a pretzel has raisins or chocolate, both raisins and chocolate are extremely toxic to dogs.

If your pretzel has any sort of topping, make sure that you look up each topping before giving any to your dog!

Pretzel Nutritional Information

pretzels100 grams of a regular pretzel has approximately the following nutritional information:
This information is for unflavoured pretzels. Please note that every pretzel will have different nutritional information.

Calories: 380
Fat: 2.6g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 1,266mg
Potassium: 136mg
Protein: 10g

Conclusion on Pretzels for Dogs

dog 3If you already gave your dog a bit of a pretzel, you don’t have to worry, just know that you should not give your dog pretzels often, and your dog should not be eating a large quantity of pretzels. There are many other healthy snack alternatives for your dog, so if you are having a pretzel and your dog is begging, you can find something else for your dog to munch on.

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About the author


I have owned dogs my entire life, and could not live without them. I adopted my dog Daisy three years ago, and she brings joy and happiness into every day. I enjoy making home made dog treats for my baby, and I take care to make sure my dog has the best food possible!

3 thoughts on “Can Dogs Eat Pretzels?”

    1. It is healthier if you wash away the salt, however, dogs should not be eating bread, so it still is not recommended.

  1. I did not know that salt was so harmful for dogs. Good thing I read this before I gave my dog a piece of my pretzel. Thanks for the information, my dog is going to stick with other treats.

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The information on this website has been taken from various sources. We simply do research and regurgitate information. Please ask your vet before altering your pets diet. The information on this website is in no means a full scientific study, it is simply a guide.