Can Dogs Eat Popcorn

Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?

The Answeryes

In short, if you are wondering if your dog can eat popcorn, the answer is yes. However, popcorn is not something which you should overfeed your dog.

More Information About Popcorn

popcornPopcorn created for consumption of humans, is more often than not flavored with sugar, salt, butter, and more in order to taste better, and these ingredients are unhealthy for dogs to be consuming. If your dog happens to sweep up a piece of popcorn that you have dropped on the floor, there isn’t much need to worry, however, it is not advisable to feed your dog this snack in large quantities, and should be eliminated from your dog’s diet.

What about non-flavored popcorn?

popcorn 3Even though popcorn is a much loved snack by humans, dogs should not eat popcorn in the same quantities as humans, even if it is not flavored whatsoever. Popcorn is created from corn, which, as many people know, is a cheap additive in many inexpensive and unhealthy dog foods, and as with those dog foods, popcorn is not recommended.

In smaller quantities however, if you are certain that the popcorn is not flavored, nor does it have additives, it is a safe treat to feed to your dog; in moderation. A quick google search can reveal some quick and easy to make popcorn recipes for dogs, and if you are willing to pop plain kernels and create a topping for them, can be a very healthy snack for your pet.

How Much Popcorn Is Safe For Dogs?

popcorn 2Popcorn, even when flavored, is generally safe to feed to your dog in small quantities, however, even unflavored popcorn should be fed to your dog in moderation.
If you are eating a bowl in front of the TV, and your dog starts giving you those puppy eyes, it is ok to throw him or her a piece, however it is not a good idea to let your dog finish off the bowl.

What About the Popcorn Kernels?

popcorn kernalsSay you are had a little spill and your dog was quick to the scene eating up the spilled popcorn and kernels. What’s next? Dogs are unable to digest these kernels and the consumption of them can lead to an upset stomach.

In addition, although rare, there are some cases where smaller dogs, as well as larger breeds choke on the kernels and this can lead to a deadly outcome. These tiny pieces of block the air passage to the lungs and cause the dog to suffocate. If you see your dog eat kernels, it is advisable to keep an eye on him or her for a few minutes to ensure that the kernels have been fully swallowed. You might also want to brush your dog’s teeth afterwards as tiny pieces of kernels can get caught between your dog’s teeth which can cause tooth decay and gum disease.

Popcorn Nutritional Information

popcorn 4100 grams of popcorn has the following nutritional information:
This information is for popped, unflavored popcorn.
Calories: 375
Fat: 4.3g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 7mg
Potassium: 274mg
Protein: 12.5g

Some Alternatives

dog 3If your dog insists on begging for popcorn every time you sit down to enjoy a bowl, instead of giving in, consider reaching for a bag of treats. There are many excellent dog treats which are very healthy as well as delicious for your animal. When you eat a snack, you can bring along a safe and healthy sncak for your dog, that way you wont feel bad about eating in front of your pup.

Conclusion on Popcorn for Dogs

popcorn 1Although safe in small quantities, it is not advisable to make popcorn your go-to treat for your dog. Plain popcorn is not harmful for dogs, although in many cases store-bought popcorn has many additives which make it unhealthy for dogs. If you currently feed your dog popcorn on a regular basis, you should really consider finding a healthier alternative for him or her to enjoy. As for the kernels, be aware that your dog could choke, and watch out for small pieces of kernels which may get stuck in between your dog’s teeth.

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About the author


Hi, my name is Shelly and I have a beautiful golden retriever named River. I love my dog, and do everything I can to spoil her. I enjoy making dog treats from scratch, and making high quality dog food for my little fur ball!

5 thoughts on “Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?”

  1. Thanks for this info, I never really thought about the toppings on my popcorn before, and I will be sure to take a closer look at what I am eating before I throw a few pieces to my dog.
    Make sure to be careful and watch your dog’s behavior after consuming popcorn! I took my dog to the vet and she ended up actually being allergic to popcorn, and it caused her to vomit upon consumption. The vet said this was rare, but if you are having the same issue, stop feeding your dog popcorn immediately.

  2. I personally pop my popcorn myself and set aside some unflavored pieces for my dog Trent. I flavour my bowl and carry the unflavored bowl with me so that I may feed him some pieces during whatever movie me and my partner choose to watch. It works out very well because I get to enjoy a bowl of nice flavored popcorn while my begging dog can chomp down some unflavored bits which I don’t have to worry about being unhealthy for him!

  3. I am so thankful that you mentioned the popcorn kernels! I actually spilled my bowl of popcorn and before I could clean it up my dog was all over it and was munching down popcorn as well as kernels! After examining her mouth I realized that there were several pieces of kernels stuck in between her teeth, which I believe that if I hadn’t seen, could have caused some mouth issues for my poor pet! Thank you very much I really appreciated you covering this topic!

  4. My dog always begs for popcorn, I suppose now I will be stricter and not give in as much! I always eat flavored popcorn and never even thought about the health repercussions that it could have on dogs. If my dog starts begging as I am eating a bowl of popcorn, from now on I will be sure to look for a healthier alternative for him.

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The information on this website has been taken from various sources. We simply do research and regurgitate information. Please ask your vet before altering your pets diet. The information on this website is in no means a full scientific study, it is simply a guide.