can dogs eat sardines

Can Dogs Eat Sardines?

yesThe Answer

In short, if you are wondering if your dog can eat sardines, the answer is yes – but they should be unseasoned. If you are buying canned or tinned sardines, make sure they are not canned in oil, and do not have added salt or spices.

More Information About Sardines For Dogs

dog-11Although dogs can eat sardines, it is not recommended that you give many to your dog at once. Sardines are not only high in sodium, but they are high in cholesterol as well. This makes them a not-so-healthy treat for your dog.

Canned Sardines vs. Fresh Sardines

sardines-2Fresh sardines will be much healthier than canned sardines, however canned/tinned sardines can also be used to treat your dog. If you do have canned sardines, make sure they are canned using fresh water. If the sardines are canned in oil, it can be dangerous for your dog.

Positive Properties Of Sardines For Dogs

sardinesSardines are a great source of protein and can be used as a very cheap and tasty treat for your dog. Sardines are also packed with omega-3 fatty acids, which are important to help reduce inflammation, prevent cancer, ans keep the immune system strong. Coenzyme Q10 is also found in sardines, CoQ10 helpds to promote a healthy heart ad circulatory system.

Negative Aspects Of Sardines For Dogs

dog-13If you are not thrilled about your dogs breath, you may want to stay away from sardines. They will give your dog’s breath a very fishy smell. If you overfeed sardines to your dog (more than one or two per day) they can also become sick. Eating too many sardines can lead to gas, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Sardine Preparation For Dogs

dog-12If you are going to give your dog sardines, you should make sure they are fully de-boned first. Fish bones can be dangerous to dogs, they can splinter easily, and are often sharp. If the bone gets stuck in your dog’s throat, or digestive tract it can cause serious pain, and lead to an infection.

Water From Sardine Cans For Dogs

If you buy sardines that are packed in water, you can mix the water from the pack with your dog’s food to add flavor. Your dog will thank you, and as long as there are no special additives like extra salt, oils, or spices, it can be healthy.

Mercury Levels In Sardines

Unlike many other types of fish, since sardines are relatively small, they tend not to accumulate the high levels of mercury that are found in other types of seafood. This means that they can be healthier and safer than other larger fish.

How Many Sardines To Give Your Dog

sardines-4The amount of sardines a dog can eat will greatly depend on its size. While large dogs can have one or two sardines a day, if you have a small dog, it is better to feed them less. If you overfeed your dog sardines, they can become ill, and have gas, diarrhoea and can even vomit. If you give your dog sardines too often, they can also develop bad fishy breath.

Sardine Nutritional Information

sardines-3One cup of drained sardines is approximately 149g.
One cup has the following nutritional information:
Calories: 310
Fat: 17g
Cholesterol: 211.6mg
Sodium: 752.5mg
Potassium: 591.5mg
Protein: 37g

In Conclusion

It is fine to use sardines as an occasional treat for your dog, or as a mix along with your dog’s regular food, however your dog should not eat more than one or two per day. When buying sardines for your dog, make sure they are packed using water, and that they do not have any added salt or spices.

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About the author


I have owned dogs my entire life, and could not live without them. I adopted my dog Daisy three years ago, and she brings joy and happiness into every day. I enjoy making home made dog treats for my baby, and I take care to make sure my dog has the best food possible!

One thought on “Can Dogs Eat Sardines?”

  1. Oh my… My dog’s breath smells enough as it is, I cannot imagine how bad it would smell if she ate sardines all day 😮

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